Sign up!

Signing up is FREE!

This service is provided for the benefit for others to have fun in a very unique multi-user online environment, that deserves to be preserved. To this end, IRATA.ONLINE is provided free to interested users, and will always be free.

To sign up, fill out the quick form below, and an account will be created within 12-24 hours.

NOTE: Please provide a usable email address, as IRATA.ONLINE sends you a notification that your account has been created.

When you first log on, a password will be asked of you. We do not ask for a password, on this form.

Sign-up Form


What are Author Sign-ons?

If Author Sign-on is selected, an additional sign-on in the "author" group is created. People in this group, have access to the lesson development tools available on the system, and can request lesson space to write their own lessons, or programs to run on IRATA.ONLINE. Author sign-ons do not use the menu, by default, and expect the user to know what lessons they want to edit.